Sunny Garden Hub

The Sunny Gardener - February 2025 Federation Issue

Starting some time around January 27th until February 11th there was an issue preventing federation between and The issue is now resolved, but if you had tried to follow a user during that period, you may need to un-follow and re-follow the account for it to work properly.

Mastodon Update

Mastodon released v4.3.4 a few days ago, and this update was applied to today.

The update contains a few security fixes, as well as some other mostly behind the scenes changes. If you’re interested in more details, check out the release notes.


As expected after any wave of new users, active users have dropped down again to around 680, and February saw about half as many new users sign up as in January.

Active users is a bit misleading when lots of people are registering, as new accounts that never post or follow anyone still count as “active” for that month.

119 new users, 681 active users, 102k interactions, 27 reports opened, 27 reports resolved

Hosting Costs

No DeepL charges this month now that we’ve switched over to self-hosted LibreTranslate for translation functionality. Yes, the results are worse, but it’s much cheaper! :)

Backup costs are a bit higher this month as I’m trying out a non-US based provider.

Cost spreadsheet, text follows.

Expand Hosting Costs 2025-03-01
Main Server 12-32GB-512GB -$84
Worker Server 2-2GB-40GB -$7
Media Storage 242 GB -$9
Media Bandwidth Free $0
Backups 544 GB -$15
Domain Name $55/yr -$5
Email Server -$5
Donations One-Time $35
Donations Recurring $83
Monthly Totals
Previous Balance $105
Total Expenses -$125
Total Donations $118
Balance $98

Canadian Dollars

As always, thank you to everyone that has donated on ko-fi! There’s no obligation or expectation that you donate in order to use the server, and I’m still able to cover any shortfall myself if needed.

– Brook